Java Classes: Nested classes, garbage collection and finalization
|Like we have nested loops, it is possible to create nested classes in Java, i.e. a class within another class. The scope of such a class depends upon the scope of the enclosing class.
Also, nested classes can even access the private members of the enclosing class although this is not possible in the reverse case. It is also possible to define a nested class within any block scope inside the outer class(enclosing class), i.e. a nested class can be defined within a method or a loop as well.
General Form of Nested Class
The general form of a nested class is shown below:
class OuterClass { datatype variable1; class InnerClass { datatype variable2; //body of inner class } //body of OuterClass }
The Nested class can have its own set of member methods, instance variables, and constructors.
Static and Non-static Nested Classes
Nested classes can be further divided into two categories: static nested classes and inner classes.
1 – Static Nested classes:
The nested classes that are defined by the keyword static are called static nested classes. Since these classes are static in nature they can not access the instance variables and methods of the outer class. An example is shown below:
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Inside static Inner class
2 – Non-static class(Inner class):
The nested classes that are not defined as static fall under this category. These classes are very useful as they can refer to any member of its enclosing classes without the help of any object. It can be categorized further in categories –
- Inner class
- Local Inner class
- Anonymous Inner class
2.1 – Inner class Example
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Inside inner class
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2.2 – Local Inner Class
Local inner class refers to the inner classes that are defined inside a block. These blocks can be method body, for loop, if clause, etc. These classes are not members of any class(as they are defined inside a method or loop body) hence they cannot have any access modifiers. But they can be declared as abstract or final. Like other inner classes, these classes also have access to the members of the outer or enclosing class where they belong. These are some useful points to remember when working with a local Inner class:
- The inner class is not visible outside the block where it is defined.
- In the previous versions, the local inner classes could only access the final local variables of the outer class. But Java 8 allows the local inner class to access the non-final local variables as well.
- The local inner class can extend an abstract class and can also implement an interface.
- Local inner classes can only be instantiated from inside the block where it is created.
Here is a simple example of a Local Inner class:
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Inside inner class
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2.3 – Anonymous Class
Anonymous classes are so called because they do not have a name. It is used when the objects need to be defined with certain extra functionalities like overriding without the creation of another sub-class. Only a single object is created for an anonymous class. It is usually applied in event handling processes.
Here is a simple example of an anonymous class:
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Inside Anonymous class
In the above program, the method meth1() has been created as a reference to the method that is defined inside the anonymous class.
Inner class as Private
We know that a class cannot be declared as private. We can get over this by using an inner class because an inner class can be declared as private. This is helpful in the situation where a class needs to have restricted access. An example is shown below:
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Inside inner class
Garbage Collection
We already saw how objects are allocated memory using the new operator. Now, that memory after use must go back to the heap so that it can be used by some other program for memory allocation.
In languages like c++, this is done manually by using the delete keyword.
In Java, this is done automatically. An object after use(no longer needed) is destroyed and that memory is automatically restored to the heap memory for later use. This process is known as garbage collection is Java. Garbage collection occurs based on certain conditions like memory limit reached, time elapsed etc during program execution. Also, different run-time implementations have a different approach to garbage collection.
The finalize() Method
In some cases, the user might want the object to perform certain operations before it is destroyed. In this case, Java provides another function by which the user can define the operations that need to be performed just before it is reclaimed by the garbage collector. This is known as finalization. In this process, the user needs to simply define a finalize() method and inside it, the user mentions the actions that the object must perform before it is reclaimed. The garbage collector runs periodically and once it feels that the object must be collected, the compiler runs the finalize() method. The general form of the finalize() method is given below:
protected void finalize() { //finalization code }
The finalize() method is declared as protected so as to limit its use to the subclasses(within or outside the package) and the classes inside the same package. It is important to note that finalize() is only called before garbage collection and not before the object goes out-of-scope.
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