Integer and Long Wrapper Classes in Java

We have already explored the abstract class Number in the previous tutorial, which defines the super-class implemented by classes that wrap or encapsulate the numeric types like byteshortintlong float, and double. In this tutorial, we shall work with the larger non-floating point numeric type wrappers,i.e.  Integer and Long.

Integer Wrapper Class

The Integer wrapper class is used to wrap the values of the int type. The Integer constructor takes an int number as an argument or a String that contains a whole numeric value. The constructor for the Integer class is shown here:

Integer(int num)
Integer(String str)throws NumberFormatException

The construction of an Integer type object is shown below:

Integer i = new Integer(100);

Read MoreCharacter, Boolean , Byte. Short Wrapper classes

Some of the methods defined by the Integer Wrapper Class

 static int bitCount(int num) Returns the number of set bits in num.
 byte byteValue() Returns the value of invoking object as byte.
static int compare(int num1, int num2)Compares the value of num1 and num2. Returns zero if equal. Returns a negative value if num1 is less than num2 and returns a positive value otherwise.
 int compareTo(Integer i) Compares the numerical value of the invoking object with the object i. Returns zero if equal. Returns a negative value if invoking object’s value is less than i and returns a positive value otherwise.
 static Integer decode(String str)throws NumberFormatException Returns an Integer object which contains the value stored in str.
 static int divideUnsigned(int dividend, int divisor) Returns the result of the division as an unsigned value. Added by JDK8.
 boolean equals(Object IntObj)Returns true if invoking object is equivalent to IntObj, otherwise false.
 static Integer getInteger(Static propName, int default) Returns the value associated with the environmental property specified by propName. In the case of failure, default is returned.
static int hashCode(int num) Returns hash code for num.
 static int lowestOneBit(int num)Determines the position of the lowest order set bit in num. It returns a value in which only this bit is set. If no bit is set then it returns zero.
 static int max(int num1, int num2)Returns the maximum of the two. Added by JDK8.
 static int min(int num1, int num2)Returns the minimum of the two. Added by JDK8.
 static int NumberOfLeadingZeros(int num)Returns the number of high order zero bits that precede the first high order set bit in num. If num is zero then 32 is returned.
 static int NumberOfTrailingZeros(int num)Returns the number of low order zero bits that precede the first low order set bit in num. If num is zero then 32 is returned.
 static int parseInt(String str, int radix)throws NumberFormatExceptionReturns the integer equivalent of the number in str using the specified radix. If the function is written without int radix then the radix used is 10.
 static int remainderUnsinged(int dividend, int radix)Returns the remainder as an unsigned value. Added by JDK8.
static int reverse(int num)Reverses the order of the bits in num and returns the value.
 static int rotateLeft(int num, int n)Returns the result of rotating num left by n positions.
 static int rotateLeft(int num, int n) Returns the result of rotating num right by n positions.
 static int sum(int num1, int num2)Returns the sum of the two numbers. Added by JDK8.
static String toBinaryString(int num)Returns a String that contains the binary equivalent of num.
 static String toHexString(int num)Returns a String that contains the hexadecimal equivalent of num.
  static String toOctalString(int num)Returns a String that contains the octal equivalent of num.
 static Integer valueOf(int num)Returns an Integer object that contains the value of num.
 static String toUnsignedString(int num, int radix) Returns a String that contains the value of num as unsigned int in the radix specified.
static Integer valueOf(String str, int radix)throws NumberFormatException Returns an Integer object that contains the value specified by str using the given radix.

Long Wrapper Class

The Long wrapper class is used to wrap the values of the long type. The Long constructor takes a long number as an argument or a String that contains a whole numeric value. The constructor for the Long class is shown here:

Long(long num)
Long(String str)throws NumberFormatException

The construction of a Long type object is shown below:

Long i = new Long(1000);

Some of the methods defined by the Integer Wrapper Class

 static int bitCount(long num) Returns the number of set bits in num.
 byte byteValue() Returns the value of invoking object as byte.
static int compare(long num1, long num2)Compares the value of num1 and num2. Returns zero if equal. Returns a negative value if num1 is less than num2 and returns a positive value otherwise.
 int compareTo(Long l) Compares the numerical value of the invoking object with the object l. Returns zero if equal. Returns a negative value if invoking object’s value is less than l and returns a positive value otherwise.
 static Long decode(String str)throws NumberFormatException Returns a Long object which contains the value stored in str.
 static int divideUnsigned(int dividend, int divisor) Returns the result of the division as an unsigned value. Added by JDK8.
 boolean equals(Object LongObj)Returns true if invoking object is equivalent to LongObj, otherwise false.
 static Long getLong(Static propName, long default) Returns the value associated with the environmental property specified by propName.In the case of failure, default is returned.
static int hashCode(long num) Returns hash code for num.
 static long lowestOneBit(long num)Determines the position of the lowest order set bit in num. It returns a value in which only this bit is set. If no bit is set then it returns zero.
 static long max(long num1, long num2)Returns the maximum of the two. Added by JDK8.
 static long min(long num1, long num2)Returns the minimum of the two. Added by JDK8.
 static int NumberOfLeadingZeros(long num)Returns the number of high order zero bits that precede the first high order set bit in num. If num is zero then 64 is returned.
 static int NumberOfTrailingZeros(long num)Returns the number of low order zero bits that precede the first low order set bit in num. If num is zero then 64 is returned.
 static long parseLong(String str, int radix)throws NumberFormatExceptionReturns the long equivalent of the number in str using the specified radix. If the function is written without int radix then the radix used is 10.
 static long remainderUnsinged(long dividend, long radix)Returns the remainder as an unsigned value. Added by JDK8.
static long reverse(long num)Reverses the order of the bits in num and returns the value.
 static long rotateLeft(long num, int n)Returns the result of rotating num left by n positions.
 static long rotateLeft(long num, int n) Returns the result of rotating num right by n positions.
 static long sum(long num1, long num2)Returns the sum of the two numbers. Added by JDK8.
static String toBinaryString(long num)Returns a String that contains the binary equivalent of num.
 static String toHexString(long num)Returns a String that contains the hexadecimal equivalent of num.
  static String toOctalString(long num)Returns a String that contains the octal equivalent of num.
 static Long valueOf(long num)Returns a Long object that contains the value of num.
 static String toUnsignedString(long num, int radix) Returns a String that contains the value of num as unsigned int in the radix specified.
static Long valueOf(String str, int radix)throws NumberFormatException Returns a Long object that contains the value specified by str using the given radix.

Program to show the use of Integer and Long Wrapper classes

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Sum of 100 and 15 is : 115
The maximum of the two Integer objects is : 100
The octal of the number 4567 is : 10727

So that’s all for this tutorial. Hope this helps and you like the tutorial. Do ask for any queries in the comment box and provide your valuable feedback. Do come back for more because learning paves way for a better understanding.

Keep Coding!! Happy Coding!! 🙂

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