Access specifiers also known as Access modifiers are keywords that enable a user to control the access limits of a certain class, method, constructor, inner classes or even
In this ever changing world of technology there are obvious questions on the survival of a technology in the coming years but as very well said by Mark
Recently in an online test I faced this question i.e. on how to minimize the number of candies/toffee to be distributed by a teacher and found that a lot
Consider you are given with a number N and you have to find the maximum possible number(just the count not the actual arrangements) of beautiful arrangements possible using
In the previous post we discussed about Externalizable Interface, how it works, how it is different from Serializable Interface and how to implement it. But what will happen if a class
Welcome geeks, in this java tutorial we will discuss about the Object serialization and deserialization but this time it is going to be in a much controlled way i.e.
In the previous Java tutorial I have discussed about Serialization using Serializable interface and Extrenalizable interface is simply an another interface to do the same work i.e. serialize and deserialize a